Faculty Association Leadership

Below you will find the contact information for the MNSUFA Faculty leaders.


Faculty Association President

sherrise.truesdale@mnsu.edu, sherrisetruesdale@hotmail.com


Office: AH 113



Faculty Association Vice President



Office: AH 230


Faculty Association treasurer



Office: TE 205


Faculty Association secretary



Office: AH 113


MNSU Faculty AssN Executive Committee Roster

IFO Representatives

These individuals, along with the FA President, represent our campus on the IFO Board of Directors.

Name Office Phone

Joseph Rodgers PA 202 (507)-389-2118

Jameel Haque AH 110 (507)-389-5315

Stephanie Thorpe PA 202 (507)-389-2759

IFO Negotiator

Represents our Faculty Association on the IFO Negotiations Team.

Name Office Phone

Dan Cronn-Mills AH230 (507)-389-6160

unit Representatives

Each of the six colleges plus the library and unaffiliated faculty elect a unit representative to represent them on the Faculty Association Executive Committee and at the Meet and Confer meetings.

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Rachelle Fuller

Business Kirsten (Kris) Rosacker

Education Rick Lybeck

Humanities & Social Sciences George Grubb

Amy Roisum Foley

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Bobby Bothmann

Science, Engineering, and Technology Charles Krois

Assessment and evaluation committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Needed

Business Needed

Education Amy Scheuermann

Humanities & Social Sciences Jeffery Dennis

Humanities & Social Sciences Jim Dimock

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Lisa Baures

Science, Engineering, and Technology Jennifer Karlin

budget committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Jessica Albers

Business Ishuan Li Simonson

Education Beth Beschorner

Humanities & Social Sciences Ken Park

Humanities & Social Sciences Mike Thursby

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Mike Turgeon

Science, Engineering, and Technology Mriganka De


office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Emily Forsyth

Business Alison Murphy

Education Cheng Wang

Humanities & Social Sciences Kelly Moreland

Humanities & Social Sciences Jill Cooley

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Monika Antonelli

Science, Engineering, and Technology Marilyn Hart

extended education committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Brooke Burk

Business Claudia Pragman

Education Rebekah Degener

Humanities & Social Sciences Amy Lauters

Humanities & Social Sciences Kevin Dover

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Jenny Turner

Science, Engineering, and Technology Elizabeth Pluskwik

faculty development committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Jennifer Zdroik

Business Maria Kalyvaki

Education Dana Wagner

Humanities & Social Sciences Emily Stark

Humanities & Social Sciences Sue Burum

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Needed

Science, Engineering, and Technology Mohammad Yamin

faculty improvement and sabbatical committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Rhonda Cornell

Business Kyle Nash

Education Bernadeia Johnson

Humanities & Social Sciences Paolo Infante

Humanities & Social Sciences Moses Masibo

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Orlando Jayasiri Gunesekere

Science, Engineering, and Technology Jinyuan Zhai

Graduate curriculum and academic policy committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Corey Selland

Business Jennifer Schultz

Education Mohamed Elhess

Humanities & Social Sciences Abigail Bakke

Humanities & Social Sciences Kristie Campana

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Needed

Science, Engineering, and Technology Allison Land

Planning committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Sabrina Ehmke

Business DeQuindre (DQ) Spencer

Education Laura Maki

Humanities & Social Sciences Josh Berkenpas

Humanities & Social Sciences Saiful Islam

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Barb Bergman

Science, Engineering, and Technology David Sharlin

Research committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Tammy Neiman

Business Joseph Westlin

Education Jason Kaufman

Humanities & Social Sciences Adam Steiner

Humanities & Social Sciences Shawna Petersen-Brown

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Heidi Southworth

Science, Engineering, and Technology Basak Bektas

undergraduate curriculum and Academic policy committee

office first name  Last Name

Allied Health and Nursing Needed

Business Cheryl Trahms

Education Patrisha (Trish) Arnold

Humanities & Social Sciences Heather McIntosh

Humanities & Social Sciences Pat Nelson

Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Nat Gustafson-Sundell

Science, Engineering, and Technology Robert Seezer