Assessment and evaluation committee
Committee duties : The purpose of this committee is to encourage and facilitate an institutional culture of assessment and evaluation. The committee’s primary focus is the assessment of student learning and institutional effectiveness. It is one of the three major university sub-meets, which also include Budget committee and Planning committee. As part of the shared governance of Minnesota State University Mankato, the committee is comprised of representatives from both the faculty (one for each college unit), and the administration. Typical responsibilities for all members include:
Serving as resources for departments (both academic and non-academic) conducting annual assessment reports, accreditation, and program reviews
Reviewing data and proposing policies, processes and procedures related to assessment of student learning
Making recommendations about institutional effectiveness and outcomes
Making recommendations related to instrumentation, aggregation, and interpretation of data that can be used in university planning and budget development
Reviewing institution-wide assessment plans, and helping to enhance the assessment culture of the university
Time commitment : Committee meetings are generally held once per month for 1 to 2 hours at a time agreed upon by the membership at the beginning of each semester. If pressing business requires additional full committee meetings, that would be decided during the regular sub-meets. Members are expected to prepare for committee meetings by reading any documentation sent prior, including such items as: agendas, minutes, notes, reports, plans, and proposals. In addition to this, committee members are often asked to serve on ad hoc sub-committees to compile reports, or delve deeper into certain issues; and then report back to the committee as a whole. The faculty representatives also occasionally meet or consult separately, prior to development of the agenda for the full sub-meet, to insure that any Faculty Association concerns are addressed and included.
2024-25 Faculty Representatives:
Allied Health & Nursing Vacant
Business Vacant
Education Amy Scheuermann
Humanities and Social Sciences Jeffery Dennis, Jim Dimock
Library/Athletic Coaches/Unaffiliated Lisa Baures
Science, Engineering, & Technology Jennifer Karlin